Distributing Releases

Downloading a release

In order to download the release, the release URL must contain license key as key query parameter or access token in the header.

# download file using license key
curl https://releases.cryptlex.com/v3/{ACCOUNT_ID}/{RELEASE_ID}/myapp.zip?key={LICENSE_KEY} \

# download file using access token
curl -O -J -L https://releases.cryptlex.com/v3/{ACCOUNT_ID}/{RELEASE_ID}/myapp.zip \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}" \

The license key must belong to the product for which the release was created and the access token must belong to any user who is associated with the license key of the product.

The external release files are not secured and hence don't requirekey query parameter for download.

Downloading an update

In order to detect whether an update is available for your product, you can either invoke the /v3/releases/update Web API endpoint or use CheckReleaseUpdate() LexActivator function.

Using Web API

The following sample request checks whether a new release is available by comparing it with the provided release version.

Check for an update

GET https://api.cryptlex.com/v3/releases/update

Query Parameters

  "name": "MyApp v2.2",
  "channel": "stable",
  "version": "2.3",
  "platform": "windows",
  "published": true,
  "productId": "3e7aa7eb-d175-446d-bc40-282209fd8360",
  "notes": "Added feature X",
  "files": [
      "name": "myapp.exe",
      "url": "https://releases.cryptlex.com/v3/155f79fc-2f28-40b2-afc5-3fcc6c63225a/myapp.exe",
      "size": 37580,
      "checksum": "1239d72ef6ff110ef63a803120728907",
      "releaseId": "155f79fc-2f28-40b2-afc5-3fcc6c63225a",
      "id": "7ca34eed-05be-4799-8b3d-f00d5440c5da",
      "createdAt": "2018-06-29T13:11:33.852642",
      "updatedAt": "2018-06-29T13:11:33.852643"
      "name": "myapp.zip",
      "url": "https://releases.cryptlex.com/v3/155f79fc-2f28-40b2-afc5-3fcc6c63225a/myapp.zip",
      "size": 5510,
      "checksum": "8892af7769c1147f9801c1a5aab52cce",
      "releaseId": "155f79fc-2f28-40b2-afc5-3fcc6c63225a",
      "id": "685eaa15-33bc-4443-89e4-baf733a6c34d",
      "createdAt": "2018-06-29T13:08:59.175004",
      "updatedAt": "2018-06-29T13:11:33.563872"
  "id": "155f79fc-2f28-40b2-afc5-3fcc6c63225a",
  "createdAt": "2018-06-29T08:55:03.515291",
  "updatedAt": "2018-06-29T08:55:03.515414"

If an update is available it returns a 200 success response containing the download URL, else it will return a 204 empty response.

Using LexActivator

The sample code for checking the release update is available on GitHub for all the languages in their sample files. The following sample code demonstrates it for C/C++.

void LA_CC SoftwareReleaseUpdateCallback(int status, Release* release, void* custom_data)
	switch (status)
		printf("A new update is available for the app.\n");
		printf("Release notes: %s", release->notes);

		printf("A new update is available for the app but it's not allowed.\n");
		printf("Release notes: %s", release->notes);

		printf("Current version is already latest.\n");

		printf("Error code: %d\n", status);

int main()
	int status;
	// init code - SetProductId(), SetProductData()
	// Ensure that platform, channel and version actually exist for the release
	status = SetReleasePlatform("windows");
	if (LA_OK != status)
		// handle error
	status = SetReleaseChannel("stable");
	if (LA_OK != status)
		// handle error
	status = SetReleaseVersion("");
	if (LA_OK != status)
		// handle error
	status = CheckReleaseUpdate(SoftwareReleaseUpdateCallback, LA_RELEASES_ALL, data);
	if (LA_OK != status)
		printf("Error checking for software release update: %d", status);

Ignoring PATCH and BUILD updates

The version format syntax in Cryptlex is $MAJOR.$MINOR.$PATCH.$BUILD. In case you want to ignore $PATCH and $BUILD releases in the update API endpoint you can pass the partial version too.

The following table summarises the expected response by the /v3/releases/update API endpoint if it is invoked with version query param set to the values in the first column:

Suppose your latest release version is and you invoke the update API endpoint with version query param having a value 1.2.3, then it will return 204 status code indicating no update.

Downloading latest

In order to download the latest release of your product, you need to invoke the /v3/releases/latest endpoint to get the download URLs for the latest release.

The following sample request fetches the latest release details.

Download latest release

GET https://api.cryptlex.com/v3/releases/latest

Query Parameters

  "name": "MyApp v2.2",
  "channel": "stable",
  "version": "2.3",
  "platform": "windows",
  "published": true,
  "productId": "3e7aa7eb-d175-446d-bc40-282209fd8360",
  "notes": "Added feature X",
  "files": [
      "name": "myapp.exe",
      "url": "https://releases.cryptlex.com/v3/155f79fc-2f28-40b2-afc5-3fcc6c63225a/myapp.exe",
      "size": 37580,
      "checksum": "1239d72ef6ff110ef63a803120728907",
      "releaseId": "155f79fc-2f28-40b2-afc5-3fcc6c63225a",
      "id": "7ca34eed-05be-4799-8b3d-f00d5440c5da",
      "createdAt": "2018-06-29T13:11:33.852642",
      "updatedAt": "2018-06-29T13:11:33.852643"
      "name": "myapp.zip",
      "url": "https://releases.cryptlex.com/v3/155f79fc-2f28-40b2-afc5-3fcc6c63225a/myapp.zip",
      "size": 5510,
      "checksum": "8892af7769c1147f9801c1a5aab52cce",
      "releaseId": "155f79fc-2f28-40b2-afc5-3fcc6c63225a",
      "id": "685eaa15-33bc-4443-89e4-baf733a6c34d",
      "createdAt": "2018-06-29T13:08:59.175004",
      "updatedAt": "2018-06-29T13:11:33.563872"
  "id": "155f79fc-2f28-40b2-afc5-3fcc6c63225a",
  "createdAt": "2018-06-29T08:55:03.515291",
  "updatedAt": "2018-06-29T08:55:03.515414"

It returns a 200 success response containing the download URLs of the latest release.

Last updated