Monitoring and Error Reporting

Cryptlex integrates with New Relic and Bugsnag which you can use to monitor the health of your Cryptlex instance, set up alerts and get notified on errors.

Setting up New Relic

In order to monitor the Cryptlex web API server instance you will need to create a New Relic account. The free plan offered by New Relic would suffice.

To enable New Relic monitoring just set the NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY environment variable to the license key provided by New Relic for ASP.NET project.

Setting up Bugsnag

In order to receive notifications when any error occurs in the Cryptlex web API server instance, you will need to create a Bugsnag account. The free plan offered by Bugsnag would suffice.

To enable Bugsnag error reporting just set the BUGSNAG_APIKEY environment variable to the Bugsnag API key.

Last updated